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Global Worship Experiences in North America, Africa, Europe and Asia

Feed a Family

Your gift of $25 dollars will provide a family with a small food hamper that includes rice, oil and other staples.

…Your Gift of $25 Dollars
Provides a family safe with healthy and nutritious food

All around the world food costs are rising and some families are struggling to provide their families with nutritious food to eat. Your gift with help us provide a food basic with staples for families in need. 

Note: All gift catalogue iteams will be distributed in partnership with Church 365 and Loads of Love our Global Missions Partner. Any excess funds raised beyond the need of a project or cause, will be used at the discretion of Loads of Love and Church 365 for its global mission work.

Click the “In Honour of” tab at the bottom of the donation form to send an e-card to accompany your gift. 

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